Inventory Tracking Made Simple (ITMS) does exactly what the name suggests but only better. It allows merchants to receive low stock alerts for each and every SKU in their store including VARIANT SKUs. What is unique is that it allows you to set "different thresholds" for different SKUs even variants.

This app will send you report of items whose inventory falls below a threshold you define. Once you install the app, products and variants of your store get synced to the app. This might take some time. You will receive a mail once all of them are synced.


  • "Global Threshold"-This is the generic value of inventory of all the products and its variants that will be checked for triggering low stock alerts. If you do not define a specific limit for a particular SKU, then this value will be used to trigger the alert.
  • "Alert Frequency"-This is the time interval at which you want to receive the report for low stock inventory through email.
  • Note: By default, the report will go to the admin email id defined in the store.

    The first thing you need to do is configure the app. Click on "Configuration" panel. Here,you will be configuring two things to get started, namely,

Once you are done with configuration, you can add multiple email ids on which you would like to receive low stock inventory reports.



Once all the products and variants are synced, you can view them in this panel. Initially, the threshold will be the generic threshold that all items will be compared to. However, you can change this threshold for desired variants. This can be done in two ways:

  • Edit Icon: Search for a product/variant and click on  icon, change threshold to a desired value and click on .
  • Bulk Upload: Click on "Download Csv" button. This will give you a csv file. Add threshold values for the desired variants and save the file. On Products panel, click on "Upload CSV" and select the edited file and upload it. Download sample:
  • Note: The inventory quantity of products and variants will be compared against the thresholds set by you via the CSV. 


You will primarily receive the low inventory report on the email ids that you added and are active and your store's admin email id. However,you can download reports manually from this panel.
Note:  All reports older than 15 days will not be shown.